Secretary of Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition has informed all heads of Diplomatic Missions and ICRC in Sri Lanka that he has instructed Regional Directors of Health in Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi to take their healthcare activities for the civilians in their areas to the Designated No Fire Zone in Vavuniya and Kilinochchi with the assistance of ICRC in order to avoid causing loss of life or injury to the civilians in Puddikkudiyiruppu, Vallipuram, Udayarkadu and Sudandiripuram hospitals.This followed a request for the advice from the Secretary by the two Regional Directors of Health of Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi as a result of the mounting hostilities and the risk of falling artillery shells in and around these hospitals as a result of fighting during the humanitarian relief operations in those areas and specifically in view of the reliable information received that the LTTE were mingling with the civilians while having active LTTE artillery gun positions operating in and around the hospitals, posing a serious threat to the patients, hospital staff and their relatives who are temporarily housed within the hospital premises for safety.


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