The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister seems to be at cross purposes at a time New Delhi is labeled by both friends and opponents as a government “soft” on terrorism. Not long after the Chief Minister stated that Sri Lankan Armed Forces are pursing “genocide” against the Sri Lankan Tamils”, Congress Party spokesman Mr Abishek Singhvi stated that the “Tamil Nadu Government was ‘duty bound’ at act on pro-liberation Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) elements in the State”. The Media had quoted on 26th December 2008 that the Congress Party reminded the Chief Minister that the LTTE is a terrorist organization and it is the State Governments duty under law to act upon pro- LTTE elements. The media also stated that All India Congress Party spokesman Mr Veerappa Moilly had hinted that there could be ‘friction’ between the Party and the Dravida Munnethra Kazhagam (DMK) if the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister did not act upon those who support the LTTE . The 84 year old Chief Minister is known to change views whenever he could take political advantage. However political analysts say that the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister should be cooperate with New Delhi to eliminate terrorism in India and be sensitive to those making an effort to do so.The tragedy of Mumbai nearly a month after the terrorists attack is very much alive. The international and local terrorist threat to India is multiple and if not addressed urgently , with commitment and wisely without considering only ‘terrorism which affects ‘state’ of ‘national’ interests may not achieve the desired aim. Mumbai clearly demonstrated that terrorism is global and.The single threat to individual states, to the region as well as to the International community is recognized as the threat of international terrorism. Mumbai on 26th November 2008 demonstrated how a ‘ten man terrorist group’, trained , motivated, and manipulated internationally according to available reports could hold a nuclear state of over 1.2 billion and over a million in arms for over 60 hours . Most importantly, the Mumbai attack held an International audience spellbound for days . The LTTE has been involved in killing Sri Lankan Tamils in Tamil Nadu as when the LTTE brutally decimated the entire leadership ( thirteen) including its leader Padmanabha of the Eelam Peoples Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF). Those arrested offenders jumped bail. There was also a gunfight between arch rivals LTTE leader Prabhakaran and the PLOTE leader Uma Maheswaran during an afternoon in the busy streets of Pondi Bazaar , in 1981. Then there was the brutal assassination of the former Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi on 21st May 1991 at Siriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu. The entire plot was orchestrated in Tamil Nadu, with local supporters providing ‘safe ‘ houses, finances ,logistics including explosives and detonating devices etc The attack introduced the ‘female’ suicide bomber to terrorism with the capability of detonating an explosives laden jacket made of material produced in Tamil Nadu worn by the victim as claimed by none other than the LTTE leader who is now wanted by India with his second – in- Command for the murder of Shri Rajiv Gandhi .Sri Lanka is fighting LTTE Terrorism noted by the FBI as the most dangerous terrorist outfit in the world. This notoriety should be seen alongside other ‘terrorist’ groups as the Al- Qaeda and Laskar- e- Toiba. In this ‘sea’ of terrorism surrounding India, including local extremists, any statements made by the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu will only help the LTTE who according to military analysts are facing the worst crisis in their history of terrorism . It is clear from the communications of the Congress and AICC spokesmen that the DMK and Tamil nadu Chief Minister should be wary of what he states regarding Sri Lankan Tamils in particular. Analysts question whether the Chief Minister in not concerned regarding the Sri Lanka Tamils killed by the LTTE according to his own admission. The Island, on 17th May quoted a report from Chennai dated 16th May 2000: “ Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and DMK President M. Karunanidhi asserted in the State Assembly that the DMK had distanced itself from the LTTE after it murdered important leaders of “Tamil Eelam” movement , A Amirthalingam of the TULF, Sabaratnam (TELO) , K.Padmanabha of the EPRLF) and Uma Maheswaran of the PLOTE”. He questioned:” How can a movement , which had killed the leaders of its own race, save Tamils from annihilation,” the Chief Minister asked while replying to the demands of grants for Police.
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