An Indian weekly 'The Organizer' has revealed possible links between Lashkar e Taliba (LeT) terrorist group and the LTTE."There are now FBI confirmations of visits by LTTE top brass to Kabul. The LTTE, which is fighting a losing battle with the Sri Lankan Army, is looking to the ISI-Al-Queda-LeT for weapons," The Organizer website claimed.According to the website the Kerala-Tamil Nadu coast and Sri Lankan route is used by the Drug-Mafia for shifting drug raw material from largest producer Afghanistan to the processing factories in Central Asia. The LTTE and its leader Prabhakaran have been surviving for the past 25 years on drug money. They get arms in exchange of transfer and safe passage of drug laden ships and boats.There is an active smuggling link in the Kerala-TN Coast and Sri Lankan waters. Out of the two lakh odd fishing boats which venture into sea daily, more than 60 per cent cross the Indian waters and supply food, medicines, diesel, kerosene, batteries, etc. to the LTTE. The LTTE is now surviving on supplies from Kerala-Tamil Nadu coast.The website also said that there are intelligence reports that the Kerala-Tamil Nadu coastal route with Sri Lanka may be used by ISI-LeT to launch attacks in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
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